Our worship is lively and inclusive. We interact with preaching that is relevant to our journey, and pray with the traditional words of the Anglican liturgies that sometimes catch our attention in surprising new ways. We hear and sing a lot of music that our world-class music director chooses from a wide variety of genres. Our organ reproduces the sound of European cathedral instruments, our grand piano has been recently fully refurbished, and professional operatic voices enhance the sound of our choir as its section leads.
Children have many opportunities to be engaged, learn, and contribute to the services, and much in our services depends on the support of volunteers of all ages.
We keep our services varied by celebrating the feasts and seasons of the church year, and we acknowledge special occasions in the wider society, such as the Remembrance Day, National Indigenous People’s Day, etc.
Sunday Services: 10 am
Weekly in-person & online Communion Service, with a dedicated Children’s Message, and Choral Music
Children’s programming: one hour of arts-based instruction runs alongside the service.
Coffee, Snack, and Chat after the service. Service runs about 1:15 minutes, and Coffee Hour — another 45 minutes.
Email the office at office@sttimothy.ca to be added to the weekly emails or check our Facebook page.
Wednesday Mid-Week Service: 11:30 am
Weekly in-person Communion Service.
Service runs about 30 minutes.
Friday Services: 6 pm
Monthly in-person “Relaxed” services with dinner
Next date: December 6th, 2024. More details will be posted on the home page.
Children participate throughout this informal time of worship, prayer, and reflection using modern language, jazzy music, and interactive teaching. Includes very simply-worded Holy Communion prayers.
Dinner after the service (pizza, veggies, juice, etc.) Service runs about 45 minutes, and dinner — another 45 minutes.
Morning Prayer: 9:30 am
Daily online service. Zoom links below.
To join Zoom by phone dial 647-374-4685 and enter Meeting ID: 881 7017 8689 and Passcode: 055622
Service runs about 20 minutes.
Online Service Links

Baptism and Confirmation
Baptism may happen at any stage of life and is officiated by a priest, while confirmation happens when the candidate is old enough to renew the promises that were made at their baptism (i.e., teen or adult) and requires the presence of a Bishop. For adults, we provide a more personalized approach linked to your experience and familiarity with the Anglican Church. If you or a family member are interested in being confirmed contact the office.
We welcome inquiries from couples interested in being married either in our beautiful sanctuary at St. Timothy’s or who may wish to be married by one of our clergy in another location. For more information contact our office to get more information and to set up an appointment with one of our clergy.
Funerals can be conducted by our clergy either in St. Timothy’s church or in another location such as a funeral home. We seek to offer a service that is dignified while being personal and responsive to the wishes of family members. Contact us to arrange a funeral service at St. Timothy’s, or to seek the advice and pastoral support of one of our clergy.
Special and Seasonal Services
Reflected on the home page of this website as they approach. More information is also available on our Facebook Page.