Parish Activity

SUMMER BREAK - July and August
We are now taking a break from ALL activities except for the Sunday Service and Morning Prayer. Have a great summer, and see you in the fall, for our Back to Church Sunday on Sept 08

Fall 2024 Schedule








8:30 – 9:30 am: Adult Education


9:00 – 10:30 am

St. Tim’s Breakfast Club (monthly)


9 – 9:45 am: 

Choir practice

9:30 – 10 am: 

Morning Prayer service on Zoom


10 – 11:15 am: 

Communion service (live-streamed)


Kids’ and

Teens’ Programming during the service


10 – 11 am:

Contemplative Art Sessions

10 – 11 am: 

Chair Yoga





11:15 – noon: 

Coffee Hour

12-3 pm: Old Orchard Blossoms group (AIDS in Africa outreach) (monthly)

10 – 11:

ESL Book Club & Career Building (on alternate weeks)

11 – noon:

ESL Conversation Practice 

11:30 – noon: Communion Service

11:05-12:15 pm: 

Therapeutic Yoga


12:45 – 2:30 pm: Bookclub (monthly)

12 -1 pm: 

“St Andrew’s” women’s fellowship and knitting group 


2 – 3 pm:

“Tuesday Tea” – a social drop-in open office hour with the priest




7:30 pm:

Choir Practice




5-6 pm:

Youth Group


6-8 pm:

“Relaxed” communion service (45 min) with dinner and kids’ activity